1. U.S. Futures

Taking a little break here…

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by bigbear0083, Aug 24, 2023.

  1. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Hey guys,

    Was meaning to post this earlier today but wasn’t feeling well enough to post. Had a little free time this afternoon so here it goes.

    I am hoping this announcement does not discourage any of you from continuing to use this board. But I will soon be taking a little bit of an extended break from the daily grind that is updating threads here.

    The honest truth is that my IRL (aka, life outside of the internet) has gotten a little turbulent as of lately, and it has admittedly made coming on here to update the threads and games a little more challenging and time demanding than usual.

    Alas, I think from next month I will be going on a little bit of a sabbatical from the internet in general to focus more time with things outside of the internet.

    Another thing is, I’m no longer trading, or haven’t all year long. So naturally my interest in the market has waned to basically nothing lately. Like I’ve had no desire to look at the market or monitor it anymore and find it a little boring now lol.

    I’m guessing that is just me since I have zero skin in the game. But anyway, yeah just saying it straight from the heart here.

    Perhaps if there is some meaningful volatility spike in the markets it will peak my interest again. Idk. For now I do need to take this internet break until issues in my IRL calm down some.

    Again, I’m super hoping this announcement here does not discourage any of you guys from continuing to use this site!

    This will also mean that the games will be going on a break as well until further notice.

    Hope you guys have all been doing well, and I honestly cannot thank the few of you who do post on this board for being here and contributing your time on this site everyday!! Seriously do mean that from the bottom of my heart. :thumbsup::inlove:
    Bermudian Option and OldFart like this.
  2. Stoch

    Stoch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    Cy, sorry to hear this but you need to do what has to be done and I'm sure a break will do wonders for you. Honestly it looks like you really have a huge job updating this site multiple times a day and I really appreciate all the effort you expend. Best of luck and hopefully we'll see you back soon.
    OldFart and bigbear0083 like this.
  3. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Everyone needs a break once in a while, and you deserve it @bigbear0083 .
    Step away for a while, and enjoy life!
    Nothing wrong with that man.
    Stoch and bigbear0083 like this.
  4. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
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    Jul 14, 2017
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    Thanks for all the great input in here guys! @Stoch @OldFart really means a whole lot to me. :)

    I think another thing that might be eating much of my time daily and burning me out some is running my dedicated chatroom server.

    I know nobody from here uses that chatroom much at all. But, the truth here is that I do equally as much work here on the forums as I do on the chatroom there.

    Much of the contents that you guys see me posting on the boards here can also be found on the chatroom server.

    Both of the communities are their own animals. In that, the userbase here at the forums is different from the one on the chatroom. It's not like both communities share the same userbase. Nope. They're entirely separate userbases.

    Case in point -- I run the market direction games on the chatroom community also. And it's entirely running separately from the one here.

    So, as you can imagine, I'm having to run 2 entirely separate instances/communities can be a bit time demanding and overwhelming to say the least lol.

    But wait! There's more... :p

    Throw in my Reddit communities also: https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarketChat and https://www.reddit.com/r/EarningsWhispers

    And that's 4 entirely separate communities to update everyday lol.

    Not to mention Twitter or X or whatever it's called. And it really starts to add up bigly time. o_O

    Hate to make these as excuses for myself. But, also do have to live a life outside of this box too haha.

    Will admit that sometimes I do feel like I hardly get time for myself anymore. Due to the demanding nature of updating all of my communities each day. And that's not even anything to do with trading or the markets, etc.

    I think a big decision will need to be made for me soon. Whether or not I want to continue running all of these separate communities, or culling a few of them. Obviously, not talking about StonkForums here this one is here to stay for sure, but rather the Reddit communities for one, and maybe even my chatroom community. They just get to be too much for me sometimes..

    IDK, I kinda think each community deserves equal amount of activity from me as it keeps new eyeballs (members) lurking in here. Which is super important for a site like this as this site hardly has much of an active userbase as it is, if I'm comparing to something like our former community (HSM).

    Sorry for this wall of text, I know it was a mouthful!

    Guess I'll think this one over some more. But, ultimately I still think some kind of an extended break here would be extremely beneficial for me and do me wonders. To give those depleted batteries a nice recharge! :p

    Thanks again guys for chiming in here. It was great. :inlove::thumbsup2:
    OldFart likes this.
  5. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    I think for starters, I will begin culling Reddit from my everyday updates. I've had some recent issues pop up with them that's made it a little challenging for me to post my daily contents on there. That will help some to alleviate some of the time constraints I've been experiencing lately. :)
    OldFart likes this.
  6. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
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    Jul 14, 2017
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    ^^ This being said, I still believe a nice internet break for me will do me tremendous wonders (as Stoch had also alluded to). Will admit, that I have quite a few things to do in my IRL (aka, life outside of the internet) that I've long put on the backburner. I think this "burnout" feeling that I'm experiencing right now will also subside with this nice needed internet break haha. Thanks again for everyone's understanding!

    Again, I really hope this news here does not discourage any of you who frequents this site from continuing to post here. :)

    EDIT: I think I will still continue running the weekly and monthly stock picking games, but the daily market direction games will go on a bit of a halt until I'm fully back from my 'net break. This will all begin for me from next month (September).
    OldFart likes this.
  7. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Take your woman on vacation....get out of town, even if it's another town in the same state. You'll come back refreshed and your old self will be back. Go get laid! :D

    We survived another hurricane down here. Unfortunately, the west corner of the state will get the brunt of it. Supposed to hit category 4 right before landfall :eek:, and the forest up that way still hasn't fully recovered from several years ago. That forest was some of the thickest in Florida. Now it's pretty much tiny trees trying to grow.
    bigbear0083 likes this.
  8. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Well, I took a couple weeks off from trading as well. Went and saw family in Tenn & Alabama, did some maintenance on the wife's SUV ( brakes, brake light switch, bulbs, tie rod ends, oil change ,etc. ) and some on my truck ( oil change, changed the brakes to power stop brakes )....been a busy month for an OldFart with a bad back :eek2:.
    Still have some loose ends to finish, but I'll def be back to trading ( middle of this week?.. ).

    I hope you and your woman had a great getaway @bigbear0083 !!
    bigbear0083 likes this.
  9. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
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    Jul 14, 2017
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    haha nice oldie! :thumbsup:

    sadly for me, i never did end up taking that "break" lol.

    figured i'd save that for during the holiday period with t-day and xmas fast approaching.

    been crazy swamped with life which not gonna lie, it sucks a bit cause i haven't really gotten a chance to follow the markets, no less trade anymore. :(

    hate it bigly time. and to make matters worse, my daily schedule as i'm sure some of you guys have noticed lately has changed a lot.

    i can no longer get on in the early AM to make those pre-market morning posts, and have to do them during sandwich (lunch) hour. pfft!

    additionally, i'm forced to make the weekly market discussion threads a few hours before markets have closed on friday's. which kinda sucks because i'm doing them before markets have wrapped for the week.

    and now more recently, i'm forced to update the daily market direction polls a little earlier than 4pm eastern. which i hate doing since the markets haven't even closed for the day to get an absolute final result.

    overall, it's been a rough go of it for me if i'm being wholehearted here.

    but, i'm still hopeful i'll get some more free time as we head into the end of the year.

    i miss the old days of monitoring the market, trading and discussing it everyday, the whole nine yards.

    it's been a long time coming, but hopefully soon this IRL craziness that i'm experiencing right now will abate soon enough!!

    thx for the update here oldie!

    have been super excited seeing you get active on here. brings back old time HSM memories for me which i've terribly missed! ;):thumbsup2:
    OldFart likes this.
  10. stock1234

    stock1234 Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Just saw this post Cy, somehow I just completely missed this post. Take a break whenever you need it, I appreciate you are posting so much information about the market everyday :)
    bigbear0083 and OldFart like this.
  11. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Don't be a work-a-holic...life is way too short.
    Gotta take time for yourself once in a while, or you'll burn out, and that's def not what we want to see happen to you.
    Always wishing you the best bro. :thumbsup2:
    bigbear0083 and stock1234 like this.
  12. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    heya guys!

    just a quick heads up here. i think i'm gonna go ahead and just take that much needed break now. :)

    unfortunately, i've had a few things pop up for me at home that i need to take care of kinda urgently. nothing serious, but it will take up much of my time during the week.

    hence, i won't really get much time to check up on the site here and the markets unfortunately.

    the good news though is that i've managed to setup a forum bot called @StonkForums Bot that will perform much of the same work that i used to do here daily with updating threads with content, etc.

    this will help me a tremendous amount as i will no longer be needed to physically check in to the site here multiple times a day to update threads, etc. it will do all that updating for me automatically which is super nice. :D

    as for the market direction games. those will also still run in my absence. and although i may not be present to participate in them daily anymore, i'll just go on the record in saying that my direction votes will always default to DOWN. so even if i can't physically post my votes in the threads, i'm going on the record to say that my votes will always be down. in fact, i'm going to go ahead and just put myself in for down for all of the remaining days, weeks and months for me in the google spreadsheets. so that should take care of that. :p

    thx for all the great posts in here guys! it means a great deal to me truly. :inlove::thumbsup:

    really sorry i couldn't be more active. but, i'm hopeful that my work load will lighten up some as we head into holiday period. :)

    catch up with you guys soon! i'll still try to check in a few times a week just to make sure the site is up and running, etc.
    OldFart likes this.
  13. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Go have some fun @bigbear0083 !!!

    forum bot?....it will become aware...:eek2:
    bigbear0083 likes this.
  14. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    I hope you finally got to take that break with your woman!!
    Remember: A cruise is the only vacation that you can't leave if it sucks-> don't do it!

    I have been preoccupied with our travel trailer and all the crapola that goes with it:

    Upgraded my brakes ( did the front 1st couple weeks ago ), finished the back today ( except for adjusting them -> drum brakes on a Tacoma...WTF :mad2:...) Someone please tell Toyota drum brakes went the way of betamax!!!

    Added 2" lift kit with heavy duty springs ( supposed to support 800 lbs ). Tongue weight of the trailer is supposed to be somewhere around 3000 lbs.

    All the garbage needed for the camper / trailer:
    Rear backup camera ( cheap POS I added with velcro so I could remove it in case someone tries to steal it ).
    Redarc brake controller.
    3M reflector tape kit ( so we can blind the tailgaters in the back ) -> they don't realize I can't see their asses?...:laughing:
    Wife bought a WHOLE bunch of stuff ( like we're moving in :eek2: ), but I guess women gottsta make it "pretty"...:rolleyes2:....can't live with 'em, can't get laid without 'em....

    I usually bad mouth Chinese products...I gotta make a confession:
    When I need tools that are one time use ( or a couple times ) only, I buy harbor freight tools. No sense in spending more money on USA "name brand tools" ( made in china anyway ) , when I can go to the source ( china made -> harbor freight ) and save some bucks....:rolleyes2:...call me a hypocrite...I'll stand here and take it like a man :laughing:

    The harbor freight brake tool kit saved my ass today....no lie:

    The top spring on those damn drum brakes was a son-of-a-b*tch to put back on, and if it wasn't for the harbor freight brake tools, I never would have gotten them back on. Now, I used to be a mechanic in the Army, and we'd do drum brakes with a pair of needle nose pliers and a phillips screwdriver, so I know what I'm doing, but without that brake tool kit, I never would have finished the Taco rear brakes.

    Anyway, maybe next week (?), I can finally get back into trading and keep the journal going....