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Ludicrous Returns Stock Model Update

Discussion in 'Trading Journals' started by Ludicrous Returns, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. Ludicrous Returns

    Jan 1, 2024
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    28 JAN 20024:
    Stocks I sold this week using technical analysis model: DWAC

    New Sell Triggers:
    : On 1/23, the 200-day (200D) closing moving average peaked at 254.05. On 1/24, the 200D declined to 254.03, triggering a sell on my stock model. I did not observe this sell trigger until charting my actual stocks Friday night. The 200D continued to decline on 1/25 and 1/26. When the 200D declines, it is a prediction of high correlation that a stock is going to perform poorly in the near term.
    AVPT: If you add a 50D (50-day) closing moving average indicator on a stock chart, observe the stock price formed a vertical line drop while crossing below 50D line. When this occurs, the next warning signal to look for is the stock price to drop 6% below the 50D, which occurred on 1/24 triggering a sell.
    LOGI: The 10D simple moving average is declining at a rate less than 25 degrees from a vertical axis line. The steep 10D decline angle started on 1/23/24, triggering a sell.
    SNAP: The 10D formed 3 sinewave peaks where all three peaks were declining. Anytime you see the 10D form at least 3 declining sinewave peaks in less than a 3-month period, that is found to be an indicator with high probability of poor near term performance of the stock price ahead.
    SNAP R72.jpg
    Ludicrous Stock Portfolio - Current Holdings
    Ludicrous Portfolio 28JAN2024.jpg
    Stock Model Portfolio: 74.3% invested in stocks, and 25.7% in cash
    New Buy Now Triggers (1/26) GCT, PAGS, PRFT, CGNT, SPRB
    The model recently sold GCT stock to lock in large gains as the stock price moved to temporarily correct. The stock price pattern quickly resumed its upward momentum. While my technical analysis model may sometimes sell and rebuy, when there is a positive upward trend, it’s better to join the stock than miss out. The market cap of this stock is still just a hair over $ 1 Billion. I predict this stock will grow into a mega-cap. It’s better to capture this long-term solid growth opportunity.
    PAGS recently broke it’s 1-year horizontal pattern trend and appears to have plenty of growth if the stock ever returns to it’s former 2-3 year highs.
    PRFT recently triggered a buy on my technical analysis stock model.
    CGNT is a small cap software stock which displays good pattern characteristics indicative of price growth ahead. SPRB is a micro-cap biotechnology stock, which is a little more on the risky sides to add to your portfolio, however, price pattern is showing good growth ahead. We’ll see what happens!
    I plan to purchase all 5 of these stocks for Monday 1/29 market open and add to my portfolio above.

    Stocks close to a buy trigger (1/26)
    Wait for CLOV stock price to incline and cross above the 200D, and the 10D to subsequently incline across the 200D. This activates the buy in my model, as long as the closing stock price is at least 2% above the 10D, the 10D is greater than the 200D, and the 200D is inclining.
    On CONN, wait for 200D to incline, showing higher 200D level than the prior closing day, and the stock price to pop 2% above the 10D.
    FTNT is extremely close to completing a buy trigger! All that is needed is for the 200D to flash an increase from the prior trading day 200D.
    GOOGL is just starting to break out of a 4-month horizontal pattern trend. My model says to buy the first day it closes at or above 153.41, which could be as soon as Monday 1/29.
    Market Status Update Ludicrous Market timing model status is green. For portfolios restricted to equity index ETFs, I recommend to be fully invested in equity at present time per my Ludicrous Market Timing model based on technical analysis.

    Happy Investing,
    Ludicrous Returns