1. U.S. Futures

stockboards.net now redirects into this site!

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by bigbear0083, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Hey guys, I just thought I should share this cool news with you all!

    As of today, when you type in stockboards.net in your web browser, it should redirect you into this site here.

    If one of you wouldn't mind trying that out whenever you see this and let me know if you got it working fine on your end would be amazing.

    I was a bit surprised to see that domain name hadn't been taken yet! So, I thought I would grab it for our site here.

    Hope this new domain makes it a little more easier getting to this website. :)
    OldFart and stock1234 like this.
  2. stock1234

    stock1234 Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Work on my phone :)
    OldFart and bigbear0083 like this.
  3. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    great to hear that! thx for confirming :thumbsup:

    btw @stock1234, i'd also be curious to hear if your malwarebytes blocks this new domain name on your end?

    i know that you've previously had issues getting on this site with your laptop via the primary domain name -> stonkforums.com but what about this new one? still the same results for you?

    not sure why your malwarebytes would even flag this site as a malicious site. it's a super head scratcher tbh. and it seems like you might be the only one experiencing that issue :(
    stock1234 likes this.
  4. stock1234

    stock1234 Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Still not working on my computer unfortunately. I think malwarebytes is blocking a few other relatively safe site from me and I am not sure why lol, it is ok, I can still visit this forum on my phone or on my iPad without issue :)
    bigbear0083 and OldFart like this.