1. U.S. Futures

Love the forum, maybe add a TLS certificate?

Discussion in 'Ask Any Question' started by DanielKingUK, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. DanielKingUK

    DanielKingUK New Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Hi Guys,

    Love the forum, I spent some time today browsing and bookmarking some areas and tools. Amazing job!

    Just a thought, have you thought about making the site connection secure? You can get TLS certificates from https://letsencrypt.org/ for free, yay!

    Thanks, Dan.
    bigbear0083 likes this.
  2. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Oh hey welcome Dan! Good to have you.

    Thank you bunches for sharing that link. Yeah, I'm kinda figuring things out with the server haha. :D

    But, I'm gonna take a look into that link you posted there. I appreciate that. :thumbsup:

    Hey, just a super quick question here. Seeing as you are our first real new member to join this forum since our launch last wek, I was just generally curious how you stumbled across this site? Was it through the SMLC discord chat server? Or from a google search? I'm not even totally sure if this site is even listed on any of the major search engines yet since I haven't even gotten around to list it up on them yet. :roflmao:

    But, it's super good to see you here! Hope you'll stick around. Got some cool things lined up for this site in the coming weeks/months ahead. :cool2:
    DanielKingUK likes this.
  3. DanielKingUK

    DanielKingUK New Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Hiya bigbear0083, your welcome!

    Honestly, it's not a huge deal if the site does not allow, or default, to TLS/HTTPS, think of it as securing your comms link when accessing the forum from a web browser. Its more important to use TLS/HTTPS if users are passing sensitive information over a web connection to say a payments platform. Although, if you do install a TLS Certificate on the site it also gets rid of the the "Not Secure" warning most web browser will show for URLs.

    Just ping me with a DM if you have any questions on web security. I setup a few sites for my own businesses and friends.

    Re: "Yeah, I'm kinda figuring things out with the server haha"

    Wow, well you're doing an amazing job! Its awesome, along with the Discord setup. Really great work.

    Re: Following the White Rabbit ("StonkForums")

    :) I found the link on your //discordserver/server_info/links_to_our_communites

    r/StockMarketChat - https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarketChat/
    r/EarningsWhispers - https://www.reddit.com/r/EarningsWhispers/
    StonkForums.com - http://www.stonkforums.com/
    bigbear0083 likes this.
  4. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Thanks! I'm going definitely look at what you shared there perhaps by as early as this weekend if I have time. Really appreciate this @DanielKingUK! :thumbsup:

    Oh, and that is really neat that you found this board from the SMLC discord server! Verrrry nice! :D Honestly didn't know if people would find the site via the discord. But, glad you did! Eventually, I'm gonna need to submit this site to the major search engines. Haven't yet, but it's coming! ;)
    DanielKingUK likes this.