1. U.S. Futures

Just a quick heads up here!

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by bigbear0083, Jan 16, 2022.

  1. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Due to a major ice storm that is hitting my area today, it is very likely to knock power out around here. Hence, the server where this site is hosted on (locally from my home), may be looking at an extended outage that could last a bit. Thus, things like the daily market direction games here might have to be halted indefinitely until power is restored. Apologies for this incontinence in advance here! And will hope to have things up and running just as soon as this storm has passed and power has been fully restored again. :)
  2. bigbear0083

    bigbear0083 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    heya guys! hope you all are having a nice kickoff to your week. :)

    i just wanted to really quickly bring this up to the forefront here for you guys.

    i noticed a little while ago that the server went offline for a bit brief (around 11am-ish eastern).

    strangely enough, the server wasn't actually offline per say. but instead, the site was having some SSL certificate issues.

    i've since removed the auto redirection from http to https when you go to http://www.stonkforums.com . this is so you guys are still able to access this site when the SSL (https) version goes down.

    i'm not quite sure why this has been happening again, but imma dig into it more when i have some free time.

    basically what happens is, when the SSL goes down this site becomes completely inaccessible. but, that isn't because the server went offline or anything.

    anyway, please have this URL saved in your favorites for the next time this may happen again in the future:


    (note: where the "s" is dropped off in the http of that URL)

    or just simply use:


    ^ which should redirect into that URL also.

    the site will always be up and running on that URL, even when the SSL goes down.

    if this site doesn't load on that above URL at all, then assume the server has gone offline entirely.

    really so sorry for these recent issues here! will hope to have a lasting fix for this soon. :)
    stock1234 and OldFart like this.
  3. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Did you forget to pay Bill?...

    stock1234 and bigbear0083 like this.
  4. stock1234

    stock1234 Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    I will try to drop the "s" next time when I go to one of the local cafes here in Hawaii and log in. Actually when I went to that cafe and tried to log in, something like this website is not safe or the certificate issue message would pop up and wouldn't allow me to log in, maybe dropping the "s" would help :)
    OldFart and bigbear0083 like this.