1. U.S. Futures

Can you share opinion on position and swing trading?

Discussion in 'Trading Journals' started by kushajratta, Dec 3, 2021.

  1. kushajratta

    kushajratta New Member

    Nov 7, 2021
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    Hi, fellows!
    I have tried active day trading, which meets my personal (mini business needs). I have been wondering whether to use position trading in the future. Can you share your experience with position and/or swing trading? Many thanks.
    Kushaj :))
    OldFart likes this.
  2. Stoch

    Stoch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    For my day trading I prefer index futures and go flat before the close. For my long term accounts I use a trend following swing trading strategy and try to keep the turnover lower by using weekly charts for entries and stops. Each method serves a different purpose. You could combine the two by trading a portion of your swing positions on a daily basis, increasing or decreasing size as the day suggests.
    kushajratta and bigbear0083 like this.
  3. kushajratta

    kushajratta New Member

    Nov 7, 2021
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    Thank you for the answer. It is useful indeed. :) Btw in which index futures do you invest in?
    I invest in stocks from time to time. I am not quite familiar with the index futures.
  4. Stoch

    Stoch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I use the ES, NQ and RTY (S&P, Nasdaq and Russell) during the US session and the NKD (Nikkei) in the evening during the Japanese session. The best part about futures is there is no pattern day trading rule like in the equity markets which limits day trading to 3 day trade round trips per week for accounts under $25K, which is a rule I just don't understand who it is protecting. I almost think it is safer to limit trading to one session at a time than to hold through multiple sessions.
    bigbear0083 likes this.